Supporting digital transformation

The digitalization of your business model

The pressure to change and adapt to new technologies and innovations affects all companies on three levels:  

  • structures,  
  • usually also the culture within the company.  

This can be summarized as “digital transformation”. Globalization and digitalization are forcing companies to adapt their business model to the challenges of our time or even to develop new business models. 

Establishing and tackling digitalization capability via the process model

Numerous media and information flow disruptions are probably just as present in your company as they are almost everywhere else. The challenge for a digital transformation is to eliminate these as far as possible. Therefore, there is a great need to increase efficiency and optimize processes   

Digital transformation creates a potential for you through the changed and usually smarter mapping of customer requirements in all processes with pervasive digitalization and due to the use of new workflow technologies, including the automation of processes. 

Your added value of the process-oriented organizational structure 

  • Recognize and evaluate possible technological potential regarding your processes.  
  • Create the conditions for increasing digitalization by consistently incorporating your processes – how well do you manage the flow of information as the basis for digitalization?  
  • Create better coordinated and transparent procedures for the further digitalization of your business and process model. 

Our offer for you 

We prepare you for the increasing digitalization of your business model:  

  • Where do you currently stand with your processes in terms of digitalization capability?  
  • What potential is there for your company and therefore your process model concerning the future digitalization of your customer and product-related concerns?  

Together, we develop target-oriented and realizable approaches without getting lost in the maze of possibilities. 

Do you have any questions?

Foto Dirk

Dirk Pohla

Member of the Executive Board

Digitalisierung von Prozessen Decorative graphics Decorative graphics

We support you in your digital transformation

  • Digitalize individual processes and, if necessary, automate them in certain areas.
  • Further develop strategically digitized process chains throughout.
  • Further develop the content of process models company-wide with regard to your digitalization strategy.

Resources around digital transformation


Process automation

In our dynamic environment, process automation is an essential component of modern corporate strategies


Digitalization of processes

Companies face the challenge of digitalizing their processes in order to remain competitive. Transform your processes for the future.

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Digital Transformation: A Process-oriented Approach

What will change by introducing process-oriented management? We are happy to present you the english version of our e-book.